Our Mission

Our software is powering the next generation of fundsLean, robust, future-proofed


We are leveraging our proprietary software to build a series of funds across industry verticals to compete and beat the largest firms on Wall Street


Entrepreneurial spirit is at the heart of our company. We’re a team of doers with vision, plain and simple.

Vision, culture, people. These are the building blocks of a strong company. At BroadEdge, we’re keeping our compass needle steady with a clear vision of disrupting the way portfolio managers create and manage strategies with our Vorpal technology. We’ve assembled a team with experience and the selfless, all-hands-on-deck entrepreneurial spirit to carry that out. 

Execution is key. That’s one of the unifying characteristics of our team. We’re doers. Our Vorpal technology is coded by financial domain experts with experience in portfolio management, research analysis and building real time trading systems. They’ve imparted their DNA into our self-learning, self-optimizing and self-evolving platform.

Vorpal is now live! At this stage we are ready to discuss with hedge/mutual fund managers as well as synergistic investors about partnership. Please contact us and we can work together.