Future-proofed FundsVORPAL

The power to disrupt
By applying AI to fund management, we’re raising the competitive barrier to a whole new level

Next-gen tech
Our proprietary technology will allow us to leap-frog entrenched players with a future-proofed platform for strategy development.

Weapons-grade data
BroadEdge combines years of expertise from all angles of the investment landscape. From this we create proprietary data that fuels our Vorpal technology
We've built the technology that is powering the next generation of hedge fundsSelf-learning, self-optimizing, self-evolving.
Layered AI/ML architecture
AI and ML techniques are applied throughout the Vorpal Core and Vorpal Edge. In its simplest form, we use AI to discover new trading strategies training it with pre-determined and/or AI selected time series. In it’s grander form, it brings autonomy to the fund management process.

Cross-discipline data
The foundation of Vorpal Core is our proprietary, cross-discipline data that allows for the building and optimization of robust strategies. These strategies are built by a matrix of subsystems creating unique alphas.

Supervised training by domain experts
The best AI systems are designed and trained by domain experts. Our team consists of Wall Street veterans who have built Wall Street Trading Systems in the past, ran research teams in the sell side, worked as investment officers on the buy side, and have run funds as portfolio managers.

Scalable both vertically and horizontally
Vorpal is designed and architected to be fully redundant with no single point of failure and to be highly scalable. Key Vorpal sub-systems are built to be re-usuable across industry verticals.

Partner with us
We seek partners with synergies in fintech and finance that share our vision of disrupting the industry through smart, expert-driven software